
Kelly Albinak Kribs and Gideon Bob are Longfellow parents and organizers of Smartphones on Hold. Gideon is a science teacher turned stay-at-home dad. Kelly is a non-profit lawyer who works with immigrant children.

We felt stuck in a trap: Either have our children deal with all the downsides of smartphones or condemn them to social isolation. We knew so many parents felt stuck in the same trap.

It became clear that organizing the like-minded parents in town would make it so much easier for us to sidestep this trap. We’re hopeful that Smartphones on Hold will lead to less stress, better friendships, and a better adolescent experience in Oak Park.

Steering Committee

Ascension School
Teri Hull
Beye Elementary
Kaz Boyle
Lizz Kannenberg
Katie Murray McElligott
Brooks Middle School
Lucy Byrne
The Children's School
Jay and Eva Smith
Hatch Elementary
The Chojnacki Family
Holmes Elementary
The Comer Family
Jon H.
Lucy Byrne
Lincoln Elementary
Alyssa Brescia
Lauren Hyde
Irving Elementary
Scott Drasler
Mann Elementary
Keri Lucas
Whittier Elementary
Brendan Sage

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